[NeedlecraftPals] JUST SAYING HI


Hi everyone. I'm recording tapes to make cds for a friend, so I was checking my e-mail. It's a lovely day here in
Connecticut, 80 feeling like a heat-wave now. I picnicked and my cat Shelby is inspecting my garden, lol.
Boy, when you go to a newer computer system you have to be ready to start over again figuring out updated and new programs/software. Right now I've discovered 3 options for recording from a radio or record-player or tape-player. It's just a matter of figuring out which one is the easiest to use and has the features I want. I spent this past week trying to retrieve still pictures off DVDs where I saved them from my camera with videos. The computer ate some, I swear. I finally ended up resorting to the cds where I saved the reduced pictures and finalizing the DVDs upstairs from the recordable DVD player, so I could access those in the computer. I think it was easier to have hard copies and negatives! I just wanted to create some photo pages to print out and mail to my cousin, from black and white pictures from when we were kids and through the wild animals that've been around here, the raccoon family, the baby squirrel and little wild bunny, plus the baby birds.
Yesterday I took my camera with me and took my cat, Shelby, up the road with the tricycle, to see the farm about a half-mile north of here. There were several cows, a bull and 2 calves right up by the road, by the fence, so as I was taking pictures and videos I informed Shelby this is where her beloved milk comes from! (Luckily she's not lactose intolerant like many cats). The goats and chickens were out, too, so she got to see something besides the squirrels, chipmunks and birds usually in our yard.
How many of you have vegetable gardens? How big? Have you harvested yet? Is your garden still going? Mine is only about 10 ft. x 10 ft. I got one little sugar pumpkin and one mini-pumpkin, several squash and I've been picking tomatoes and peppers steadily. The broccoli was scant but another crop isn't ready yet. I have baby carrots growing, but didn't get many this year. I'm watching and waiting for the mini-cabbages, too..Gonzalez, I think they are. I dug out well over 5lbs..maybe 10 lbs. of Red Pontiac potatoes and have made several baggies-full of tomato sauce up to freeze. I had one gourd plant, but it didn't get enough sun. My tomatoes did well in pots elevated on bricks, but I had to add lime to the soil and keep after them, watering (I don't mind; I check things out that way). I hope next year I can find the Roma Plum plants again. I planted 12 Viva Italia plums this year.
Anyway, between all that and working on illustrating poems for a friend, here I am...counting the days till Fall's officially here and then we can count-down to spring! LOL...Linda H.

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