Recently the Editor from American Mother posted at our group. I am happy to announce that I was able to obtain reprint rights to her full story and her it is!:
RESEARCH SUBJECT: The Sampler Program at
RESEARCH DATELINE: May 25, 2011 - June 20, 2011
Our study began by our Research Team investigating the company's background. The following historical facts were verified. The company began on October 7, 1977. Today the company employs 267 individuals. It's programs are currently being used by 529,998 individuals throughout all 50 states.
We then dispatched 6 reporters to separate regions of the USA. We had these reporters pose as ordinary individuals and each subscribe to The Sampler Program. From the date of order the timeframe for each reporter to receive the kit was between 3 days and 7 days with the average being 4 days. Each reporter was instructed to use each program of The Sampler 4 times at different stores. The tabulation of our research project concluded the following: The average savings on groceries for the 6 reporters was: 76% or $ 134.72 per order. The average savings on dining out for the 6 was 62% or $ 38.21 per dining outing. The average savings on name brand products for the 6 was 59% or $ 42.29 per item bought. Overall these figures represent substantial savings. We are therefore adding this to our Top 5 must buys.
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