[jewelrytoday] Re: Without This You Are Being Overcharged - Guaranteed!


Our group owner, Katie Holmes, has asked me to share the following email that she received last night:

34 years ago, I was one of the first people to sign up for a savings program (listed below). Despite many people telling me not to because
the company was brand new and the concept seemed to good to be true,
I didn't listen and signed up and I am so glad I did! The savings
were and for 34 years have been outstanding. What I like most about
this company is that they seem to always be researching new programs
to save us more money. Shortly after the coupon book they released a
Kodak film developing and free film program, a few years later they
released an online wholesale gift mall and as seen on tv one stop
store for all the items seen on tv infomercials and most recently
they released the restaurant gift certificate program. I am quite
happy to say that I joined everything that they released and each
program has proven to save me substantial money. I only wish I had
tracked my total savings over the years it must be at least one
hundred thousand dollars! I thought I would share with you my first
hand experiences with this company, here is a copy of the post I read

Copy of Post:

As amazing as it may sound many people do not realize how easy it is
to LEGALLY stop paying for their groceries! This is how the one hour
television show began for the company whose website is at:
http://savingmorethanbefore.com I thought it was very interesting and
decided to check it out. I am very skeptical by nature so the first
thing I did was check out the company. I contacted the Better
Business Bureau and found that the company has had no complaints
lodged against them, I also contacted Paypal who has verified this
company. They told me that they verified the company's licenses,
bank accounts and other paperwork indicating to them that the
company is legitimate. Then I started asking co-workers and friends
about this program and to my surprise 6 out of the 10 people that I
spoke with were already using this program. They told me how pleased
they were with it and how much money they had saved and are
currently saving. So I decided to sign up for their sampler special
program. I received my complete membership package and the fun began. Using their program and the free lifetime membership that it includes I went to the supermarket ready to make a killing. The cashier rang up my grocery bill and it came out to $239.87 then I presented her with the coupons I received from this program and I saved $223.38 - my final bill was only $16.49! The cashier wasn't the only one shocked. This program has changed my life!

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