Warhammer Ancient Battles & Mailing List FAQ:
Draft 1, 8 march 2000
This is the WABList FAQ (frequently asked questions). It is not meant
to be a real gaming reference or some officially endorsed WAB supplement.
But rather it is intended as a tool to help guide the newbies to our list.
Readers new to the list, or new to WAB itself, frequently ask the same
questions. For people that have been on the mailing list for longer
amounts of time, this document will help avoid a lot of the repetitive
discussion (and hopefully arguments :).
1. General
2. Main Rulebook (Includes EIR & General barbarian armies)
3. AoA (includes the directors cut specifics for the barbarians)
4. Chariot Wars
5. Web Related
6. Mailing List
7. Other
1. General:
Who is maintaining this piece of garbage, er, uh, FAQ?
Right now, its Tony Edwards (aedwards@tripos.com). Mail him with
any gripes or complaints. I own a spell checker, but I rarely ever
use it.
Where is the latest errata?
I am going to try & keep a copy of the errata (and this FAQ)
in our egroups Files area. For now, its location is:
Where to purchase Warhammer Ancient Battles or a supplement?
WAB has been out for a while now, so its pretty common and easy to find.
But three mail order vendors that can service world wide:
Brookhurst (USA) - http://www.brookhursthobbies.com/
Sabre's Edge (Canada) - http://saber.icenter.net/
Foundry (UK) - http://www.wargamesfoundry.com
What the hell are all those acronyms?
WAB - Warhammer Ancient Battles
WFB - Wahrammer Fantasy Battles
DBM - De Bellas Multiudnas, a competing ancient ruleset
DBA - De Bellas Antiquatas, a simpler version of the above
DBx - Folks too lazy to decide between DBM or DBA. There are actually
several other variants of "De Bellas" rules for other time periods,
and the DBx is usually meant to cover them all in a single group.
I'm sure countless others will be added over time. But this works
well for a start.
2. Main Rulebook
How does the Roman Testudo work?
As per a LOT of prior discussion and according to what is printed:
1. Testudo is adopted at the start of each turn in which the Romans want to
use it.
2. While in this formation, a unit cannot march or charge (being too busy
keeping the formation).
3. Getting out of Testudo is not a reform or a formation change, simply a
ceasation of declaring that you are in Testudo (OK guys drop the shields,
lets go!).
4. Therefore a Roman unit can charge in the turn after using Testudo by
simply not declaring themselves to be in Testudo and declaring a charge.
Where in the rulebook does it define fast cavalry?
It doesn't. Nor does it mention fast cavalry (*) in Armies of Antiquity
either. Jervis mentioned later that using "fast cavalry" was a mistake,
and either ignore the reference or simply use the light cavalry rules.
(*) Note that the Arab & Saracen army list in Armies of Antiquity acutally
describes bedouin cavalry as fast cavalry, gives rules for how it works,
and even mentions the fast cavalry rules from WFB. However its is specific
enough to that it only applies to that particular amrylist.
3. Armies of Antiquity
4. Chariot Wars
5. Web Related
Where are some good online resources for WAB?
Again, this could be a project in itself. Aside from the places already
mentioned elsewhere in this document, check out:
The WAB Webring - http://www.spectec.u-net.com/wabring/
You & Who's Army - http://welcome.to/youandwhosearmy
Vince's Homepage - http://www.angelfire.com/games/vinceshomepage
By no means an exhaustive or necessarily usful list, but that should
help get you started.
6. Mailing List
How do I subscribe?
If you've gotten this far, you either already know or know someone who does.
How do I unsubscribe?
The WABList main page, http://www.yahoogroups.com/group/WABlist, will
direct you to the appropriate area. Follow the modify or unsubscribe
membership links.
What/where is the files area?
It is server space, provided by our host egroups, that allows us room to
upload and maintain files or other documentation we consider important.
Its real useful to check back every so often, as we rarely ever post
when we put something there. Either access it through the WABList main
page, or go directly there at http://www.yahoogroups.com/files/WABlist/
Why can't I post attached pictures of my miniatures?
Lately we had a virus go out (or almost go out, see below) across the
mailing list via an attached file, and now attachments are filtered out
by onelist itself. Note that attachments didn't do any good for our members
who read the digest.
7. General
These following questions are pretty common, but as a group we
seem to love answering them. So feel free to ask anyway. In case
you don't get wealth of replies don't take it personally, just start
with the links below.
Where can I see pictures of XXXXX?
Who makes figures for XXXXX?
A number of places have attempted to archive/catalog what is available
from whom for miniatures. The first, best place to check is the
manufacturers websites themselves. After that, try the Society of
Ancient's webpage (http://www.soa.org.uk). There are a few other
places as well (like the You & Who's army website mentioned later)
but this is a good start.
What is the toughest army to beat?
Usually an army played by the opponents any one of several of our list
members. I meant to include an appropriate "King of the Losers" roll
call here, but on this list I would have too many names to add. :)
Suffice it to say the FAQ author lately should be high ranking as well.
8. Other
What is the best Napoleanic ruleset?
Debated far more often than it should be. Napolean's Battles, Piquet,
Fire & Fury crossovers, and Shako appear to be the leaders. Personally
I prefer WNB (Warhammer Napoleanic Battles) myself.
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